Feb 22, 2023Liked by Clay Adams

An even crazier idea: when you present the first issue of a new KS series for something that you intend to eventually bring out in a collected version, offer a pledge line for a digital only subscription for all single issues as they come out AND the physical collection. Lots of problems pricing it and planning that far ahead, but you have enough history of delivering quality that I and maybe at least a few other people would opt for it.

I know due to space (and cost), I’m going to more digital only purchases of single issues but I also like having the collected volumes on the shelves.

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Definitely thought about a subscription service! I can see some benefits, especially for overseas backers who might want to combine physical purchases. My only concern is that it might cannibalize the Kickstarter launch day for the subsequent issues--so we have lots of people jumping into the campaign for the first issue, but get a much smaller boost for the later campaigns. Still, if enough people preorder all the issues (and the trade) maybe that wouldn't matter? Something to think about.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Clay Adams

I’d be very interested to see if someone could make a go of doing a digital series of floppy-length singles followed with a physical compilation volume.

Until the compilation stage, it would be somewhere between the way webcomics are now (brief episodes out on a regular basis) and the way most Kickstarters go (full physical/digital issues).

I expect the economics would also be somewhere between the two.

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Thanks for the comment, GMark! I've definitely thought about doing exactly what you suggest, but I worry the economics wouldn't work out. What I currently make in digital sales wouldn't cover the art on an individual issue... although who's to say some of my physical supporters wouldn't support a digital-only campaign? Only one way to find out: try it!

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