Love your newsletter, thanks for writing it. While I agree with the premise of your comment on ComiXology and digital sales, I don't agree to the statement that digital sales are not good. I believe digital sales are catching up with Physical very fast. This is due to several reasons - global supply chain issues, slowing down of economy ( so going for a more affordable option ). You can also find audiences where physical copies are very hard tor reach. For most the Kickstarter campaigns I back, it is cost prohibitive for me to pay for Shipping to Australia. e.g. For a 15$ book, the shipping would cost me 23$. So, then the only option I'm left with is get a digital copy.

Kickstarter while good, is quite clunky and intensive. You have to agree, that it's not a platform for everyone. I meet so many lovely creators whose work is amazing, but they find Kickstarter both overwhelming and not fit for purpose. It's been booming obviously because it's the most viable option and crowdfunding in general is the best way to reach a mass audience.

I have spent several evenings thinking about his problem and now come up with a solution for this. I think answer lies somewhere in between a traditional marketplace like ComiXology and Kickstarter, something that focuses on distribution and enabling creators without breaking their commissions ( like 50-50 split with Amazon ). I would love for you to come to my YouTube channel and talk about it. https://youtube.com/@comix_app :)

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Thanks Saurabh -- appreciate the thoughtful comment! I was speaking more to some points in the Beat article, where the author said Comixology was about to run out of money before the Amazon sale and that the team was laid off now because the division wasn't profitable. They are the giant in the space, so if they are struggling, it's not a good sign for digital overall.

Personally, though, I *love* digital, both as a reader and as a creator, so I can share my work with as many people as possible. But I do wonder if I did a digital-only campaign if I'd get enough to support to make the book. People do seem to like to own a hard copy.

And thanks for the link--I'll check out the youtube channel! Would love to chat more.

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Really appreciate your reply Clay. I agree 100%, that Physical will never go away and it shouldn't either :) . Comics are best enjoyed in that form.

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